NSF Grant Brings Sixth-Grade Girls to Build Robots at the University of Cincinnati

On Saturday, Jan. 27, UC will welcome 30 sixth-grade girls from Woodford Paideia and Saint James Elementary schools to the College of Applied Science campus. They will spend the day building robots and competing in Lego Robot challenges.

Professor Jay Lee, Ohio Eminent Scholar and Director of the Center of Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) at the College of Engineering (COE), has brought together faculty from COE and the College of Applied Science (CAS). The center is working with high-school and middle-school teachers to bring knowledge of engineering and science innovation to their classrooms.

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The teachers met on a regular basis at the IMS center for the past three months. One of their projects will next bring the sixth-grade girls to CAS for Robo Day Camp in January. Professor Brian Resnick at CAS has prepared his lab for the day-long event and will host the girls and their parents from

8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Participating schools will receive a Lego Robot to continue their study of creative thinking and how innovation affects learning in the workplace.

IMS is a multi-campus National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center with a focus on advanced prognostics and predictive maintenance technologies to achieve zero-breakdown productivity. The center consists of research sites at UC (the lead institution), the University of Michigan and the University of Missouri–Rolla. IMS continues expanding its operations and has successfully received its second five-year award from the National Science Foundation.

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Project Principal Investigators

Jay Lee, PhD

Virginia Westheider


UC Faculty:

Masoud Ghaffari, PhD, COE

Patrick Brown, COE

Muthar Al-Ubaidi, PhD, CAS

Brian Resnick, CAS

Janet Dong, PhD, CAS

Sue Evans, Loveland High School
Michelle Spurlock, Mt Notre Dame High School
Margaret Jenkins, Western Hills Design Tech High School
Kelly Ante, St. James Elementary School
Vicki Nedelman, Woodford Paideia School

This project is supported through an NSF Research Experiences for Teachers (RET).

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