Well Wishes for Bob Fee

All of us know folks with a "big heart," those who will go out of their way to help in any way they can. Those who always have that positive attitude, no matter how overwhelming things might seem.

Many of you know Bob Fee, senior assistant dean in McMicken, and many of you would describe him without hesitation as "that guy with a big heart." Recently, Bob’s big heart was looked at in a whole new way...on an operating table! On March 5, Bob underwent quintuple bypass surgery to correct two severe blockages. When that guy does something, he goes all the way … double, triple, quadruple bypass? Not for our Bob! He had the granddaddy of all bypasses! He came through the surgery with flying colors (we would expect nothing less from him), and the prognosis for his recovery is excellent. He is already itching to get back to work!

For those of you who would like to extend him your well wishes (and convince him that some time away from A&S is OK every now and then), you can contact him via e-mail at


or send your greetings to him c/o Peg Allensworth, 2570 Madison Road, No. 19, Cincinnati OH 45208.

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