Awards Reception Honors Social Workers and Volunteers

On Tuesday, April 24, 2007 the Cincinnati Region VI Annual Awards Reception was held at the University of Cincinnati Alumni Center. The 2007 Honorees are:

  • Gloria Rodriquez-Milord, MSW, LSW – Social Worker of the Year, Cincinnati Region VI & State of Ohio
  • Susan Carlson, ACSW, LISW – Outstanding Service
  • C. Joy Haupt, MSW, LISW – Lifetime Achievement
  • Gloria Walker, MBA – Public Citizen/Volunteer of the Year
  • Jessie Fullenkamp – B.S.W. Student of the Year
  • Shelby Davis-Lewis – M.S.W. Student of the Year
  • Cincinnati Councilman, John Cranley – Public Elected Official

Gerald Bostwick, Susan Carlson

Gerald Bostwick, Susan Carlson

Susan Carlson, ACSW, LISW selected for outstanding service to the social work profession. Susan Carlson is an associate professor and director of field education at the University of Cincinnati School of Social Work and an is active member of Ohio NASW. Effective social work practice results from effective social work education. Field practice, with social work students, and continuing professional development, with social work professionals, are essential. For more than 20 years, Susan’s knowledge of practice, positive working relationships with agencies and dedication to excellence in the profession have resulted in unique opportunities for students as well as providing quality services to people in Greater Cincinnati. Presenting the award for outstanding service, Gerald Bostwick, sssociate dean and professor, UC School of Social Work, said, “Susan exemplifies the core values of the social work profession, and is dedicated to excellence in Social Work.”

Susan Carlson, Shelby Davis-Lewis

Susan Carlson, Shelby Davis-Lewis

Shelby Davis-Lewis, University of Cincinnati selected as MSW Student of the Year. "Shelby embodies the essence of a true social worker," states Susan Carlson, director of field education, University of Cincinnati. "She is clinically minded, nonjudgmental, self-aware, and a fierce advocate for social justice while remaining focused on her clients’ daily reality. Shelby demonstrated these qualities in the challenging and oft time’s crisis atmosphere of her field placement with the refugee resettlement program at Catholic Social Services. Shelby’s calming approach and 'never take no for an answer' attitude allowed her to establish positive relationships with refugees and work on their behalf." Accepting the award, Shelby remarked, “I am a better person because families have chosen to share their experiences with me.”

Bob Littman, Cincinnati Councilman John Cranley

Bob Littman, Cincinnati Councilman John Cranley

John Cranley, Cincinnati Councilman selected for Public Elected Official. Cincinnati NASW honors John Cranley for his consistent social justice beliefs and actions on behalf of all citizens in our community. The experiences in John’s youth, at St. Xavier High School, initiated a lifelong journey of helping others. In the position of Cincinnati City Councilman John’s efforts in support of the Cincinnati Human Rights ordinance and funding for social service agencies support social work’s mission to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic human needs of all people. In addition, the founding of the Ohio Innocence project at the University of Cincinnati exemplifies and represents the values of the social work profession. Accepting the award, John said, “We will build this community into a better place.” Presenting the award, Bob Littman, MSW, LISW, FreeStore.

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