Faculty/Staff: Enjoy the Benefits of Giving

On May 1, 2008, the We’re All UC Faculty/Staff Campaign began silently, with information and an invitation delivered to the inboxes of nearly 9,000 faculty and staff at UC. The campaign’s focus this year is diversity, and to date, more than 1,800 faculty and staff have given back to a number of diverse initiatives at UC.

To celebrate the campaign, all faculty and staff are invited to a free lunch on May 29 at Great Hall in Tangeman University Center. The lunch will be buffet-style from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Your gift to the We’re All UC Faculty/Staff campaign can come with rewards. All faculty or staff donors to UC by May 31, 2008 will be entered in the “Early Bird” drawing for prizes such as:

  • A one-night stay with breakfast at the Kingsgate Marriott Hotel
    A $25 gift card to UC Bookstores
  • Two tickets to the Reds v Dodgers game on June 18, 2008
  • Two free tickets to the Newport Aquarium

All faculty and staff who make their gift by the end of the campaign period, June 30, 2008, will be entered in the drawing for the following prizes:

  • A one-night romance package at the Vernon Manor Hotel
  • A zipper portfolio from In Touch Marketing
  • A calculator notepad from In Touch Marketing
  • Two vouchers for UC v EKU Men’s Football Game on August 28, 2008 (6)
  • Two ticket vouchers to one performance of the Cincinnati Ballet’s 2008-2009 Season (2)
  • A sixteen-visit tanning package from Bzars
  • A $10 gift certificate to Ambar India Restaurant
  • A $10 gift card to Holy Grail (3)
  • A $10 gift card to Graeters
  • Five regular roast beef sandwich coupons from Arby’s Roast Beef
  • Two free sandwich coupons Potbelly Sandwich Works (2)
  • A $5 gift certificate to Penn Station (2)
  • Six free bagels from Brueggers Bagels (4)
  • Buy one get one adult admission at the Esquire/Mariemont Theatre (5)

It’s easy to make your gift at www.Giveto.UC.edu/alluc by May 31 and be entered for the Early Bird and General Prize drawings. If you have already made a gift to UC since July 1, 2007, you are already entered.

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