Last-minute Gift Ideas for Faculty/Staff Campaign

The clock is ticking, but it’s still not too late to make your gift to the 2008 "We're All UC" Faculty/Staff Campaign. Each faculty and staff member who makes a gift by June 30 will be counted in this year’s campaign -- and will be entered in the General Prize Drawing held in July.

Not sure what you want to support? Consider making a gift to your favorite college or department, or support an area of interest to you, such as:

  • Scholarship funds like Cincinnatus, Darwin T. Turner scholars, or a scholarship in the college of your choice.
  • Research initiatives in medical or interdisciplinary fields.
  • Student life initiatives that enrich the college experience for our students.

Or support the UC|21 Fund with an unrestricted gift, to be used where the need is greatest.

No matter the amount, your gift makes a difference in the lives of students at our university. With your help, we can set a participation record in the Faculty/Staff campaign -- and proudly proclaim, "We're All UC."

To learn about funds that might be of interest, call Judy at 556-6724.

Make your gift now by payroll deduction or credit card. 

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