Nominate an Outstanding Undergraduate Woman for the C-Ring

First given in 1922 by the Athletics Department to the best all-around female undergraduate athlete, the C-Ring has evolved over the last 87 years to become an all-university award based on several rigorous criteria.

The C-Ring is an award presented each spring to the outstanding graduating senior women at the University of Cincinnati. Selected by a diverse committee of UC faculty, staff, students and alumnae, the recipient is announced at the annual event in May.

In order to be eligible for nomination, a woman must have a minimum 3.4 Grade Point Average. The nominees must also have demonstrated a commitment to the betterment of our campus, community and the advancement of women. Faculty, staff or alumni may nominate students for this honor.

Amy Schlegel with Lucy the Bearcat B

Amy Schlegel and little Lucy the binturong.


receiving the C-Ring in 2008, Amy Schlegel 

went on to serve a wider community through the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). While still a student at UC, Amy organized a nonprofit organization to help Myanmar residents affected by cyclones.

"One of the exciting things about the C-Ring each year is the personal stories we get to hear. I find it very motivating when I, as a staff and faculty member, hear what these young women are doing even while still students," says Barb Rinto, director of the UC Women's Center. "Imagine the effect all these C-Ring recipients and nominees are having on the world when they graduate."

For additional information regarding C-Ring, please call 513-556-4401 or visit the UC Women's Center Web site and click on "C-Ring." Or stop in the Women's Center itself and you won't have to click on anything.

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