State Representative Takes Sustainability Tour at UC

Sustainability at the University of Cincinnati encompasses

  • Innovative efforts to save energy that also add up to savings worth millions of dollars.

  • Research that is building a global reputation for the university.

  • Community engagement that benefits the university, the region and the planet.

State Representative Dale Mallory visited campus for a first-hand examination of these efforts since UC is setting standards for Ohio in terms of research and innovations that will conserve on energy.

Mallory asked to tour campus after a

Statehouse Showcase

in Columbus where he viewed UC research that is specifically benefiting Ohio’s economy. As chair of the Ohio House Environment and Brownfield Development Committee, he was especially interested in UC efforts related to sustainability.

A comprehensive tour of all university efforts related to sustainability was impossible; however, the following were highlighted:

  • In March 2009, the University of Cincinnati became the first university in Ohio to implement a pioneering agreement to reuse “waste” methane gas produced by a landfill (Rumpke Sanitary Landfill) as a power-generation source. This move will save the university $2.7 million over three years’ time. It will also reduce UC’s carbon footprint by 10 percent.

  • In the last four years, UC has reduced energy consumption by at least 13 percent and, thus, avoided an estimated $10 million in costs. Within the next several years, UC hopes to shave off another 10-20 percent from its energy consumption.

  • UC is currently conducting research to transform fryer fat from its dining halls into fuel. The university hopes to convert the reused fryer oil into biodiesel in order to generate energy in UC’s utility plant, thus saving energy costs and reducing the university’s carbon footprint.

  • UC students will soon begin an organic urban farming effort to grow produce that will then be offered at an on-campus farmer’s market and in dining halls.

Rep Dale Mallory visits UC. Prof Dan Orther explans the drainage system with the aid of stuudents Fee Mtshiya and Regina Lamendella.

Dale Mallory, Dan Oerther, Fee Mtshiya, Regina Lamendella

  • UC’s research role with green roofs and implementation of that research on campus and in the community. For instance, UC is recapturing rainwater from roofs in three areas on campus. This water is being used to irrigate UC’s landscaping. UC is also partnering on a Green Learning Station in the community, wherein a green roof of soil and drought-resistant plants absorbs excess water that would otherwise end up in a storm sewer. Runoff water is collected and reused for the toilet and shower.

  • UC is globally known for its nanotechnology research. This technology holds promise as a replacement for copper and other traditional materials at a reduction in both cost and weight. It can also be used for antennas for better audio and video transmissions and as super-efficient filaments in light bulbs.

  • UC efforts related to Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) hydrogen fuel cells to advance hydrogen technology for power generation that is pollution free.

Learn about other sustainability efforts on campus via UC’s

sustainability home page


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