Engineering Students From UC Clermont and NKU Hold Jeopardy Competition

The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) - Cincinnati Student Chapter held a Jeopardy Competition at UC Clermont College recently.



Teams of engineering students from Northern Kentucky University (NKU) and UC Clermont College competed in two rounds of engineering, science, financial and manufacturing questions. The competition even had prize money for the winning teams that was provided by SME Chapter 21 for correct answers in a Jeopardy style competition.


Throughout the competition UC Clermont held the lead, but on the final question NKU went all in, providing the correct answer and winning the competition. A total of over $1100 was won between the NKU (winning $610) and UC Clermont College (winning $550) student teams, with funds dedicated to establishing student SME chapters and promoting engineering education.


“It was a great time, I really enjoyed competing in this Jeopardy match,” said Carl Creech, a UC Clermont College student majoring in computer aided design. 


A special thanks to Visiting Professor of Computer Aided Design Chris Goodman, Assistant Professor of Computer Aided Design Dexter Hulse, and Dean Greg Sojka for hosting the competition, to Larry Reuss an area professional engineer for creating and running the competition and to students Paul Buerkle and Chris Marion for starting up the new SME Student Chapter at UC Clermont College.

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