UC By the Numbers

Overall Enrollment

2011 – 42,750 (up 3.4 percent from Autumn 2010)

UC Freshmen

Overall freshmen expected for 2011 – 6,200 (up 3.9 percent)
Uptown Campus, baccalaureate degree-seeking  –  4,241 (up 8.9 percent from 2010)

Uptown Campus- Freshmen

Average ACT – 25
Average SAT – 1133
Among the top 10 percent of their class – 21.7 percent
Number of valedictorians – 70
Number of salutatorians – 32
Number of Cincinnatus Scholarship recipients – 1123
Number of National Merit and National Achievement Finalists – 45
Number of freshman Choose Ohio First Scholarship recipients – 93
Number of Darwin Turner Scholars – 30
Number of Demakes Legacy Scholars – 23
Number of Cincinnati Pride Grant recipients – 70
Number of Ohio counties represented by the freshman class – 81
Number of states represented by the freshman class – 37 plus D.C.
Number of countries represented by the freshman class – 29

Freshman Diversity

Total Freshmen
Autumn 2011 – 14.7 percent students of color
Autumn 2010 – 14.5 percent students of color
Autumn 2009 – 15.2 percent students of color

Total Baccalaureate Freshmen (Uptown only)
Autumn 2011 – 13.5 percent students of color
Autumn 2010 – 12.7 percent students of color

Autumn 2009 – 10.9 percent students of color

Top 10 Schools Represented by UC Freshmen Entering Baccalaureate Colleges

1. Oak Hills High School
2. Lakota West High School
3. William Mason High School
4. Saint Xavier High School
5. Lakota East High School
6. Elder High School
7. Anderson High School
8. Walnut Hills High School
9. Sycamore High School
10. Centerville High School

Transfer Students

1,731, up 0.2 percent from Autumn 2010

UC Students Enrolled in Distance Learning Degree Programs

Autumn 2000 – 213 students
Autumn 2001 – 245 students
Autumn 2002 – 386 students
Autumn 2003 – 642 students
Autumn 2004 – 1,213 students
Autumn 2005 – 1,937 students
Autumn 2006 –  2, 290 students
Autumn 2007 –  2,559 students
Autumn 2008 –  2,809 students
Autumn 2009 –  3,242 students 
Autumn 2010 –  3,566 students
Autumn 2011 –  3,915 students (up 9.8 percent)
UC International Student Enrollment

Autumn 2011 – 675 Undergraduate ( up 21.9 percent); 1,616 Graduate ( up 4.8%); 2,291 Total (up 9.3 percent)
Autumn 2010 – 554 Undergraduate; 1,543 Graduate; 2,097 total
Autumn 2009 – 477 Undergraduate; 1,461 Graduate; 1,938 Total
Autumn 2008 – 380 Undergraduate; 1,487 Graduate; 1,867 Total
Autumn 2007 – 315 Undergraduate; 1,615 Graduate; 1,930 Total
Autumn 2006 – 305 Undergraduate; 1,580 Graduate; 1,885 Total
Autumn 2005 – 286 Undergraduate; 1,637 Graduate; 1,923 Total

Branch Colleges

UC Blue Ash College enrollment – 5,170
Clermont College enrollment – 3,950

Graduate Student Enrollment

Autumn 2011 – 10,700 (up 8.8 percent) (includes masters, doctoral and professional degrees)
Autumn 2010 – 9,834 (includes masters, doctoral and professional degrees)
Autumn 2009 – 9,250 (includes masters, doctoral and professional degrees)

Source: Institutional Research


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