UC Clermont College Classes Begin August 27 - A Month Early!

UC Clermont College will officially convert to semesters on Monday, August 27. This is a full month earlier than the quarter system start date.
“We are joining the rest of the colleges and universities in the state of Ohio, by undergoing this change from quarters to semesters. While this has been an enormous undertaking, we believe it will be a tremendous benefit to the students at UC Clermont College and across the state,” said Dean Gregory Sojka.
“We can’t stress the importance of getting in and registering for classes right away. The summer scheduling period is abbreviated with the change this year and we encourage students to come in today,” said Sojka.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Semester Conversion

What is the difference between quarters and semesters?

The major differences between the quarter and semester system are: the quarter system divides the academic year into 10-week periods. The semester system divides the year into fall and spring semesters, each with about 14 weeks of instruction in addition to a summer session with about 14 weeks of instruction.

Fall semester will begin in late August and end in mid-December. Spring semester will begin in early January and end in late April. Summer session will begin in early May and end in early August.

Will tuition cost more under the semester system?

No. Full-time tuition for an academic year under semesters will not cost more than what the cost of tuition for that same year would be under quarters. While the annual amount of tuition will not increase due to semester conversion, the amount will generally be divided into two semester payments rather than three quarter payments.

Currently, tuition payments are due 10 days before the start of each quarter term. Under the semester system, tuition payments will be due 10 days before the start of the semester term.

Financial aid will work in a similar manner. While the annual amount of eligible federal, state and institutional aid will not change due to semester conversion, the amounts will generally be divided into two semester payments rather than three quarter payments. Furthermore, Federal direct student loans will be distributed 10 days before the start of the semester term, just as they are currently distributed for quarter terms.

How will the transition to semesters affect my financial aid?

While annual amounts of financial aid awarded will remain the same, the amounts will generally be divided into two semester payments rather than three quarter payments.

What are the advantages of a semester calendar?

Conversion will ease the transfer of students into and out of UC programs from other national institutions, most of which (90 percent) already follow the semester system. This is especially true for minority students since 94 percent of historically black colleges and universities follow the semester system.

Because most of our national peers already follow the semester system and because most Ohio institutions – and all the state’s four-year, public universities – will be on semesters, adherence to a common academic calendar based on semesters will improve program articulation as well as enable cross-institution courses and materials along with comprehensive student interfaces.

Job-market advantages

Conversion will provide graduating students a “first-mover” advantage when entering the job market. Most large employers schedule recruitment of new hires according to the semester calendar. Currently, UC grads enter the post-graduation job market much later than graduates from most other schools because of the university’s late graduation date.

Employers involved in UC’s cooperative education (co-op) program, an important differentiator of education at UC, often prefer the semester system (already in place at most other co-op schools) because it allows for a longer work cycle, enabling employers to benefit by entrusting students with projects of greater longevity and responsibility. In addition, employers often team co-op students from differing schools on important projects. When these students are on incompatible academic calendars, co-op students from quarter-based schools “arrive late” and “leave early” and thus miss out on work-based opportunities.

For more information about registering at UC Clermont College call 732-5200 or regarding Semester Conversion at UC visit: http://www.uc.edu/conversion.html

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