UC's Judaic Studies to Host Lecture Series on Jewish Law

The University of Cincinnati's Department of Judaic Studies is sponsoring the 2013-2014 Jacob and Jennie L. Lichter Lecture Series in Judaic Studies, "Pursuing Justice: Jewish Law in the 21st Century."

Although the separation between church and state is not a new idea, Western states are still faced with the challenge of figuring out how religious law fits into specific aspects of modern society. In a post-9/11 world, Americans have become more aware of the role Islamic law plays in Muslim countries, developing further the scholarship that concerns the intersection of religious law and the modern state. 

The 2013-2014 lecture series focuses on this topic, hoping to deepen the understanding of students and faculty about the constant relationship between Jewish law and the law of the secular state in both Israel and the United States.  

“We are excited to have such a diverse group of speakers for this year’s lecture series,” says Judaic Studies Department Head Gila Naveh. “Each speaker brings a different perspective to the table, and we hope their knowledge will provide an exceptional, interdisciplinary learning experience for those interested in Jewish law.”

There will be three lectures in the series:

  • David Flatto, Professor of Law, Penn State University
    “The Concept of a Separation of Powers: A Novel Doctrine in Early Jewish Jurisprudence and its Analogs in Modern Western Jurisprudence"
    Wednesday, Oct. 23, 7 p.m.
    Taft Center, 1 Edwards Center, UC campus (On this UC map, Edwards Center can be found at the lower right. A parking garage is attached to the center.)

  • Gary J. Jacobsohn, Malcolm Macdonald Professor in Constitutional and Comparative Law, University of Texas at Austin
    “Constitutions in Divided Societies: The Case of Israel”
    Monday, Nov. 4, 7 p.m.
    UC College of Law, Room 114 (On this UC map, the UC College of Law can be found at the lower left.)
  • Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, PhD, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
    “Women of the Wall: Recent Legal Developments”
    Sunday, Nov. 17, 7 p.m.
    Mayerson Jewish Community Center, 8485 Ridge Road 

All lectures are free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served after the lecture. Dietary laws will be observed. Reservations are encouraged. To make a reservation, contact John Brolley, Department of Judaic Studies at 513-556-6669 or johnbrolley@uc.edu.  

About the series
At the beginning of each academic year, the Department of Judaic Studies invites the entire community to attend the Jennie L. and Jacob Lichter Lecture Series, made possible by the Jacob and Jennie L. Lichter Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. Additional support was granted by the Ohio Humanities Council, the Charles Phelps Taft Research Center, the UC College of Law, the Mayerson Jewish Community Center and the Cincinnati Museum Center.

The Lichter Lecture Series, endowed in 1981, is the department's major event of the academic year. Each year the lectures focus on a different theme, and three leading scholars or intellectuals are invited to address it from different angles. Judaic Studies is part of the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences.

Since the 1980s, the annual Lichter Lecture Series in Judaic Studies has enabled the Department of Judaic Studies to bring to UC close to 100 of the best and the brightest in the various fields of Jewish thought and learning. These lecturers include: Yehuda Amichai, Yahuda Bauer, David Biale, Norman Golb, Paula Hyman, Amos Oz, Rabbi Dr. W. Gunther Plaut, Jonathan D. Sarna, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Sasson Somekh, Norman A. Stillman, James Tabor, Rabbi Mordecai Waxman, Jack Wertheimer, A.B. Yehoshua and Ronald W. Zweig.

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