VIDEO: Students in China Begin UC Engineering Studies, Learn 'Down the Drive' Cheer

The University of Cincinnati’s globally renowned

cooperative education program

has a new home base in China – at Chongqing University, one of that nation’s largest, leading institutions and home to a premier engineering college.

An agreement between UC and Chongqing University established a

Joint Co-op Institute

between the two universities. The agreement calls for UC to provide experience and expertise in establishing a mandatory co-op program at Chongqing as part of two engineering majors (mechanical and electrical engineering) while also establishing UC’s engineering curricula and offering UC faculty instruction in those two majors at Chongqing.

About 70 students just underwent a Joint Co-op Institute orientation led by at Chongqing University and UC.

They now begin their academic studies.

  • In the first four years, these students will receive engineering instruction in English, based on UC’s mechanical or electrical engineering programs and led by UC engineering faculty based short- or long-term in China and with support from Chongqing faculty. Most of the courses will be taught on-site, with some delivery of instruction via technology.

  • In their fifth and final year, the Chinese students enrolled in the Joint Co-op Institute will take all their courses on UC’s campus.

  • Following the UC co-op model, these students will begin co-opping with employers in China in fall 2014 or spring 2015. They will integrate five semesters of co-op work experience into their academic degrees.

Upon completing the required coursework and co-ops via the UC-Chongqing Joint Co-op Institute, the participating students will graduate with baccalaureate engineering degrees from both UC and Chongqing University.

  • See more on the Joint Co-op Institute founded by UC and Chongqing University.

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