It's More Than 30 Years Between Degrees for this Grad

When Adrienne Larson earned her associate degree from UC Blue Ash College in 1978 she was proud of the accomplishment, but wasn’t sure she was capable of advancing her education. “Back then I lacked the confidence that I could get a ‘real’ degree, but I always felt I shorted myself by not going for my bachelor’s,” she said.

Over the next 30 years Adrienne enjoyed personal and professional success. She became a social worker, got married, and raised four sons.  

After jobs in social work and as a cafeteria manager, Adrienne found a position six years ago overseeing operations for a culinary program. She thrived in the role and was instrumental in making changes that helped organize and grow the program. But she wasn’t receiving the recognition or promotion into management that she felt she deserved.  Her associate degree was holding her back. “There I was in my early fifties with a big decision to make,” said Adrienne. “I could settle for being overworked and underpaid, or I could go back to school and get the bachelor’s degree I always wanted.”

When Adrienne made the decision to go back to school, she immediately focused on UC because of her positive experience the first time around. She was interested in a bachelor’s degree that would build on her leadership experience and add the business management skills she needed for the next step in her career.  

It was by accident that Adrienne discovered the new Bachelor’s Program in Applied Administration at UC Blue Ash College; the postcard that arrived at her home was actually addressed to her son. When she learned about the program she found it matched everything she was looking for – and the college was just minutes from her home, which was critical since she still worked full time.

Going back to school after more than 30 years away can cause some anxiety. Adrienne used to hate writing papers when they were done on a typewriter, but she found it wasn’t so bad when using a computer.  She has learned how to take tests online, do research on the Internet, and use Blackboard to register for classes. These were all new experiences and with each new task completed, she felt a sense of achievement.

After three years of working and going to school, overcoming her fears of returning to college, and even taking classes at UC Blue Ash at the same time as her youngest son, Adrienne Larson has earned her bachelor’s degree. It was 35 years in the making. Along with advancing her degree, Adrienne also earned something else that she believes is just as valuable, self-confidence.  

“I am truly excited about my future,” said Adrienne. “My return to the classroom has been the most challenging and empowering activity I have ever undertaken. I have new goals now because I didn’t settle for less than I was capable of achieving.”


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