Chongqing University Co-op Director Visits UC

In launching the cooperative education model at Chongqing University (CQU) in China, Zhiqing Zhang, co-op director at CQU is visiting the University of Cincinnati.

Zhang has a background in materials science and engineering and was a faculty member and researcher at Chongqing University. As the co-op director, Zhang has been given the task of establishing UC’s co-op model at CQU and placing 65 students in co-op positions in China in the coming year. 

“The co-op program is very new in China. It opens a new doors for us in experiential learning. Our (CQU’s) co-op program is the first one in China," said Zhiqing.

Over the past three weeks, Zhang has been attending a national experiential-learning conference and visiting UC's Division of Professional Practice & Experiential Learning (ProPEL) in preparation to establish CQU’s co-op program. Zhang has worked closely with ProPEL’s Associate Provost and Director Kettil Cedercreutz and ProPEL Associate Director Anita Todd as well as faculty and staff of the division to obtain knowledge on how to successfully run a mandatory co-op program.


During his visit, Zhang learned about UC’s co-op program and model as well as the policies and procedures of the program. In addition, Zhang had the opportunity to observe the teaching of ProPEL’s Intro to Co-op course and co-op reflection meetings between students and their major-specific faculty advisors. While in Cincinnati, Zhang also had the opportunity to visit one of ProPEL's long standing co-op employers,

The Modal Shop Inc

UC ProPEL faculty and administration also learned about the Chinese job-search process and Chinese student expectations and concerns to ensure we best integrate our program with the Chinese culture and practices.

“My three week visit to UC was very productive and successful. I am very grateful to be here and to learn the structure and whole process of co-op work. It gives me more confidence to make our co-op program be successful. All the colleagues are very warmhearted. I appreciate all the help they gave me,” said Zhiqing. 

Training continues in China as UC's Todd and Associate Professor Gayle Elliot travel to China for two weeks each to assist in teaching “Introduction to Co-op,” assist with job development and work through the job search policies, procedures and process.


  • In the first four years, students participating in the Joint Co-op Institute will receive engineering instruction in English, based on UC’s mechanical or electrical engineering programs and led by UC engineering faculty based short- or long-term in China and with support from Chongqing faculty. Most of the courses will be taught on-site, with some delivery of instruction via technology.

  • In their fifth and final year, the Chinese students enrolled in the Joint Co-op Institute will take all their courses on UC’s campus.

  • Following the UC co-op model, these students will begin co-oping with employers in China in fall 2014 or spring 2015. They will integrate five semesters of paid, co-op work experience into their education degrees.

  • Learn more about UC’s co-op program and visit UC’s co-op website.

  • Learn more about UC’s College of Engineering and Applied Science.

  • Learn more about Chongqing University, a national, comprehensive institution, located in a major cultural, educational and economic municipality that serves as a center of industry and commerce in southwest China.

  • To read more click HERE.

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