UC Announces Restructuring of Teacher Preparation Programs

Classrooms across the country are growing in student diversity, ranging from race to culture to language and learning ability. Education researchers at the University of Cincinnati are in the process of restructuring UC’s teacher education programs to build on its commitment to addressing the needs of every student.

Supported by a $250,000 grant recently awarded to the UC School of Education from the

Ohio Dean’s Compact on Exceptional Children

, UC will be restructuring education programs for inclusive teacher preparation. The restructuring will primarily support college students preparing for careers in middle childhood education and special education.

Steve Kroeger, a UC associate professor of education and program coordinator for special education, says the need is critical. He points to a persistent and growing achievement gap among different demographic representations of students. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (2009) reported that only 22 percent of economically disadvantaged Ohio fourth graders were proficient in math. Figures from 2011 found that only 15 percent of the state’s fourth graders were proficient in reading.

“Our teaching practices are influenced by our own perspectives – even our own personal student experiences,” says Annie Bauer, professor of education and coordinator of accreditation for UC’s School of Education. “As our college students prepare to become teachers, we want them to develop a critical examination of their own assumptions and stereotypes. As they dedicate their teaching to reaching every student, we want them to move outside their comfort zone.”

The restructuring will be threaded into student programs from freshman to senior year. UC educators are aiming to make the model available for implementation by any institution for higher education by the 2015-26 academic year.

UC education researchers are implementing practices, processes and procedures into UC’s programs to prepare competent teachers committed to urban education. 


College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services

(CECH) has been dedicated to excellence in teaching for 108 years.  In addition to preparing students to work in diverse communities, the college provides continual professional development and fosters education leadership at the local, state, national and international levels.

UC’s teacher education programs are accredited by the

National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

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