UC Clermont's Health Information Systems Technology Program Receives Accreditation

UC Clermont College’s Health Information Systems Technology (HIST) Program has received full programmatic accreditation.

The Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) announced this week that the UC Clermont HIST program fulfilled all of the necessary requirements to achieve this status and is fully accredited.

The college launched this program last year. The HIST program is the first all-online new associate degree program for the college.

“Now that the Health Information Systems Technology program is CAHIIM accredited, graduates will be able to seek the Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) credential. The RHIT credential opens additional opportunities for students to seek employment in various health information careers. In addition, students are now eligible to continue their education through UC’s College of Allied Health Sciences online bachelor's program in Health Information Management,” said Dr. Karen Lankisch, RHIA, HIST Program Director.

Health information professional is one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. Recent changes in health care delivery, electronic health record systems and medical coding and billing systems have created a demand for health information professionals that is unprecedented. Health information systems technology (HIST) is also known as health information management (HIM), health information technology (HIT) and health informatics. The field has a 21 percent forecasted growth in jobs by 2020 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). The field of health information is one of the fastest growing professions in the healthcare industry where employment is secure and advancement opportunities are plentiful.

For more information about the Health Information Systems Technology (HIST) Program, contact Dr. Lankisch at karen.lankisch@uc.edu or visit the website http://www.ucclermont.edu/HIT.html

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