Collaboration Call: Provost Accepts Interdisciplinary Faculty Development Proposals

It’s time to brush off those ideas that involve cross-college, cross-campus collaboration and draft a plan to forge new partnerships with a new call for Faculty Development Funding proposals.

The Office of the Provost is now accepting applications for Collaborative or Interdisciplinary Professional Development Awards and Group Professional Development Awards, as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (Article 24). A first round of reviews will begin Nov. 24 for Spring Semester funding.

Award specifications:

Collaborative or Interdisciplinary Professional Development Awards

Applications receiving awards under this section are for Faculty teams leading projects including, but not limited to, innovation and implementation of University, college or Academic Unit strategies. These projects may involve collaborations with:

  • external or internal agencies
  • organizations
  • student groups 
  • individuals.

The primary benefit or outcome must be faculty development, and the primary beneficiaries must be Faculty Members and the University. The maximum amount of this type of award is $20,000 for a maximum of one funded application per team or project per year.

Group Professional Development Awards

For the purposes of this type of award, a group may be:
  • an Academic Unit
  • a Faculty program to implement UC strategies
  • a Faculty task force or committee
  • any appointed or elected group of Faculty
whose purpose is to provide professional development to Faculty for teaching, scholarship or leadership. Groups have the option of contracting with Universal Providers or other internal or external providers of skills and knowledge in support of professional development.

The primary benefit or outcome must be faculty development, and the primary beneficiaries must be Faculty Members and the University. The maximum amount of this type of award is $20,000 for a maximum of one funded application per unit per year.

Completed applications must include:

1. The name and contact information of the lead person for the proposal.

2. Names and affiliations of the other participating faculty members.

3. The proposal.

3. Letters of support from the applicants’ unit or college. (These are REQUIRED if the proposal contains a commitment of additional financial resources from the unit/college and/or release time or workload reduction for a participant.)

4. A two-page CV for each participant.

The application is online on the Faculty Development website under Group Awards Evaluated at the Provost Level.

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