New UC Faculty Member Takes Engineering into Operating Room

Professor Chia-Ying Lin joins the University of Cincinnati with a unique experiential background.

Previously at the University of Michigan, Lin held four positions within the medical school: director of the spine research laboratory; assistant professor of biomedical engineering; assistant professor of orthopedic surgery; and assistant professor of neurosurgery. He is interdisciplinary at his core.

Lin’s primary appointment at UM was assistant professor of neurosurgery, where he helped residents get involved with the research side of medicine. Lin explains his multiple appointments were “empowering” and gave him great experience in several different areas of study. It is no surprise then, that Lin would bring with him his expertise in interdisciplinary research to UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), where he is one of the 50 total new faculty the college expects to add over the next five years.

After completing his undergraduate degree in National Taiwan University, Lin worked at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of Mackay Memorial Hospital where he received the unique opportunity to mix medicine and engineering.

Many biomedical engineers design surgical implants and other prosthetics without ever stepping foot in the operating room (OR), limiting their knowledge of how the devices are implanted, integrated and functionalized within the body.

Spinal cage models

Spinal cage models

By observing in the OR at Mackay Memorial, Lin connected the dots between the design processes and logistics of implanting and attaching medical devices. According to Lin, this exposure was priceless, not only aiding in his design process, but also in establishing relationships with the surgeons who use these products every day.

Lin plans to bring to UC this same interdisciplinary model, which he calls the “surgical approach,” allowing engineering students to understand the medical implications of their designs. Collaborating with the College of Medicine and CEAS will only further enhance UC’s renowned medical expertise, as the design-to-implementation stage of surgical interventions and prosthetics becomes seamless.


In addition to the relationship Lin is strengthening between CEAS and the College of Medicine, he has also made great contributions in the world of spinal cage implants.

Lin currently holds a series of patents containing algorithms (complex formulas) which lay out the structural design of spinal cage implants.

As Lin explains, the prevalent back pain which seems to be effecting more individuals is often cause by a slipped disk (of cartilage) or other structural weakening of the lower spine. When such pain becomes chronic, surgery is most often the answer in easing the discomfort and strengthening the patient's back bone.

Traditional implants which are still in use today are made of heavy metal needed to bear the load the lower back typically carries. These supporting structures have proven successful; however, overtime the metal implant can sink into the surrounding bone. This can then cause more issues, leaving surgeons back at square one.

Progressions of development: Traditional spinal impant seen on the right, Professor Lin's revolutionart implant on the left

Progressions of development: Traditional spinal impant seen on the right, Professor Lin's revolutionart implant on the left

The trick with spinal cage implants then becomes finding a material strong enough to support the demands of the lower back, but light enough as to not interfere with the surrounding bone.

Professor Lin and his colleagues at the University of Michigan developed a unique solution to the problem. Rather than using a heavy material, such as metal, to reinforce the strength of the individual vertebrae, the team formulated what is known as interstructual pattern. This pattern resembles a compilation of tiny cages, or honeycomb sequence within the structure itself.

By creating lots of reinforcement within the structure, a lighter more flexible material, such as plastic, can bear the same weight as a less complex metallic structure. This creates a lighter spinal cage implant with similar stiffness to bone, the property that helps prevent the implant submerging into the surrounding bone.

This advancement is huge considering the amount of chronic back pain that many endure. With a more efficient implant, patients can get more out of the one-time fix than previously possible.


Profesor Lin holding new spinal cage implant

Profesor Lin holding new spinal cage implant

In addition to Lin’s interdisciplinary initiatives and three patents, the recently hired UC professor also has acquired over $2.3 million in numerous research grants.

Research grant and proposal writing is a particularly useful skill for professors who are continuously conducting research. Lin explains the key to raising money lies in the first few years as a faculty member. Lin explains, “For junior faculty, it is important to find a senior faculty member to act as your mentor. They often are already in the midst of conducting research which, if it aligns with your research interests, you can aid in their efforts.” Individuals who have gained a lot of research experience and have been “taught the ways” of grant writing are better suited to raise money for their own initiatives.

He goes on to caution new faculty members to keep their specific research ideas separate from their mentor relationships. “It is important for everyone to maintain a certain level of independence while still collaborating.”

Lin’s accomplishments both in and outside of the classroom led to his hiring. CEAS has initiated a cluster hiring plan as part of Provost Beverly Davenport’s strategic hiring plan. The plan includes hiring 50 new professors in five years, including several who will work in multiple disciplines like Lin.

As the first round of new hires is already on board, Lin proves CEAS is only furthering its excellence and pushing the boundaries of traditional education while expanding students’ experiences.

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