New Scholarships Offered at UC Clermont for 2015-16

UC Clermont is proud to announce it will begin awarding Merit Scholarships and Adult Student Scholarships for the 2015-2016 school year. In addition, we will continue offering donor-based scholarships.

Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships will be awarded automatically to new first-time, full-time degree-seeking incoming freshmen (minimum 12 credit hours per semester) who meet the following criteria:
• High School GPA of 3.5 and higher with a minimum ACT score of 22 = $2,500 per academic year
• High School GPA of 3.0 – 3.49 with a minimum ACT score of 20 = $1,500 per academic year
• High School GPA of 2.5 – 2.99 with a minimum ACT score of 18 = $1,000 per academic year

Students receiving Merit Scholarships must complete the UC Clermont College admission application by February 27, 2015 and must confirm their admission to UC Clermont College by March 31, 2015. Students who enroll on a part-time basis (minimum 6 credit hours per semester) will receive 50% of the scholarship amount.

The admission application is available at

Adult Student Scholarships
Adult Student Scholarships will be awarded to new or returning degree-seeking students who meet the following criteria:
• 25 years of age or older as of January 1, 2015
• New to higher education = $750 per academic year
• Returning to higher education in good academic standing after a 2 or more year absence = $750 per academic year

Adult student scholarships will be awarded automatically to students who 1) meet the criteria above, 2) have completed the UC Clermont admission application by February 27, 2015, and 3) confirm their admission to UC Clermont College by March 31, 2015. Students who enroll on a part-time basis (minimum 6 credit hours per semester) will receive 50% of the scholarship amount.

Donor-Based Scholarships
In addition, donor-based scholarships are also available to new and returning UC Clermont students. To apply for these awards, students must submit the online UC Clermont scholarship application. For important details and to access the application, please visit

Students are eligible to receive only one scholarship from UC Clermont. Awards may be restricted in individual cases so that total gift aid (scholarships, tuition remission, VA benefits, etc.) does not exceed the cost of tuition. For questions regarding the scholarship process, email or call 513.558-0087.

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