'Life of the Mind' Lecture Series Returns March 26 with Jeffrey Whitsett Presenting

Life of the Mind

, interdisciplinary conversations with UC faculty, will return March 26, 4-5:30pm in TUC 400ABC with a lecture by Jeffrey Whitsett, MD, professor of pediatrics in the

College of Medicine

, as well as co-director of the Perinatal Institute and chief of neonatology, perinatal and pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Life of the Mind

is a semi-annual lecture series that features a distinguished University of Cincinnati faculty member presenting his or her work and expertise. A panel of three responds to and discusses the lecture from diverse perspectives. The series includes intriguing insights from diverse perspectives and encourages faculty and students from across UC to engage in further discourse. The presentation is not simply a recitation of the faculty member’s work but promotes an informed point of view.



Internationally known for his research in pulmonary medicine, as well as for his clinical expertise in neonatology, the title of Dr. Whitsett’s talk is “The Impact of the Acceleration of Transforming Technologies in Medicine and the Biological Sciences.” Dr. Whitsett has made a series of groundbreaking contributions in pulmonary medicine and biology in his studies of the surfactant proteins A, B, C and D, cloning their genes and clarifying their roles in lung development and function. Importantly, he has played a critical role in making surfactant protein replacement routine in the treatment of immature lungs and respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants.

The three panelists for the March

Life of the Mind

will be Karen Bankston, associate dean of the

College of Nursing

, James Clark, professor and director of the School of Social Work in the

College of Allied Health Sciences

and Joseph Tomain, dean emeritus of the

College of Law

. The discussion will be moderated by UC President Santa J. Ono.

Sponsored by the

Office of the President

and organized by the

University of Cincinnati Libraries

and Faculty Senate, the mission of

Life of the Mind

is to celebrate UC faculty research, scholarship and creative output and to foster the free and open exchange of ideas and discourse.

Life of the Mind

is free and open to the public and attracts a broad audience including UC students, faculty, staff and alumni, as well as people from the community. More information about

Life of the Mind

is available online at


. For those who cannot attend in person the March 26 lecture in TUC,

Life of the Mind

will be streamed live via the website.

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