By Signing Up for Castlight Online Tool, UC Employee Won a Year of Premium-Free Health Care

The University of Cincinnati recently launched


, a personalized healthcare tool that helps you compare doctors, medical services, and facilities by cost and quality. Castlight gives you the information you need to find the best healthcare for you and your family through your Anthem medical plan.

Castlight is available to UC employees, spouses/domestic partners and dependents age 18 and older enrolled in a UC Anthem medical plan.

As part of introducing Castlight, those who registered with the online portal were eligible to

win a prize

of “premium free” health care for 12 months. In other words, the university would cover the employee’s share of either the monthly or biweekly medical premium normally deducted from the employee’s paycheck. UC employees who signed up for Castlight by April 30  were automatically entered into a drawing to win the 12 months of premium-free healthcare.

Louella “Lou” Olenick

, program manager and adjunct assistant professor at UC Blue Ash, was randomly selected as the winner of the year of premium free health care. She stated, "UC is a great place to work, and I’m grateful to have health insurance through my employer. I'm even more grateful - and surprised - that I received the free premiums for a year! Thank you!"

Though the drawing for the initial prize has occurred UC employees enrolled in a UC Anthem medical plan are encouraged to register for Castlight at any time.   

“Castlight can save time and money by helping you find the best healthcare for you and your family through your Anthem medical plan,” said Elizabeth Aumann, UC’s director of benefits. “Castlight is free and very user friendly. “

Learn more about Castlight at

.  Or you can call Anthem Support at 1-844-249-5372.

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