UC's OSHA 300 Log Summary

UC’s OSHA 300 Log Summary

The record includes occupational injury and illness totals that occurred at UC in 2016. Summaries are available for the Uptown West and Medical campuses and UC Blue Ash and Clermont Colleges. Managers are requested to post their department’s information in a conspicuous place to share with employees.

Additional information for the UC web site’s landing page:

Managers are required to share the University’s OSHA 300 Log Summary with employees.  The OSHA 300 Log summary of work-related injuries and illnesses is required by regulations to be posted annually from Feb. 1 through April 30.

This summary is a record of the calendar year 2016 occupational injury and illness totals that occurred at the University of Cincinnati.  Summaries are available for the Uptown West and Medical Campuses, UC Blue Ash College, and UC Clermont College.  Be sure to post the summary that represents your area in a conspicuous place or places where notices to your employees are customarily posted.

Access your summary from the

Environmental Health and Safety website

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