'College Day' Welcomes New Students Aug. 23

The College of Allied Health Sciences will welcome first year students to campus with a lunch, group photo and several introductory sessions in its annual College Day Friday, Aug. 23. 


10-11 a.m.
University Convocation on West Campus (CAHS ambassadors sit with first year student)

Ambassadors and faculty/staff escort first year students to East Campus/Kingsgate (walk or shuttle)

First year students check in at University Commons and receive name tag & t-shirt

Taco bar lunch: students, faculty, staff

Group picture of first year students taken on Kingsgate steps

Walk to French East. 

12:35 – 1:05
Department break-out sessions/meet faculty mentors

1:05 – 1:30
Success Seminar Break-Out Sessions 

1:45 – 2:30
Kresge Auditorium for introductory remarks and advice from college leaders

Peer Leaders will walk first years to West Campus in Learning Communities and go to each building and room on their schedule.

For more information, contact Carney Sotto, PhD, at 513-558-8528 or sottocd@uc.edu.

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