Donate Items for Military Care Packages to 'Operation CAHS'

Students, staff and faculty at UC’s College of Allied Health Sciences are seeking donations for another round of "Operation CAHS: Collecting and Helping Soldiers” this fall. 

You can donate items for military care packages in French East Room 309A through Sunday, Oct. 20.

Top requests include:

  • Cotton socks, soap, baby powder, lotions, shaving cream. 
  • Baby wipes, dental floss, lip balm.
  • Hard candy (no chocolate), tobacco sauce, Skol and energy bars.  
  • Canned nuts, sunflower seeds, corn nuts, beef jerky, pretzel combos.
  • Powder drink sticks, tea bags, gum. 
  • Dog treats for the service dogs. 

Cash donations for postage is also appreciated.

You can also send the name and address of any family member or close friend serving overseas in the military to Beth Bextemueller at

Last fall, the college mailed packages to nine members of the military in Afghanistan, including family members of the college’s faculty and staff.

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