Access to MSB and CARE/Crawley Buildings Limited Saturday, Feb. 21

Contractors will be at the Medical Sciences Building Saturday, Feb. 21, to replace the broken office window that faces the Atrium, Room 2005F, Maintenance & Operations reports. The contractors will also be replacing glass panels on two of the CARE/MSB bridges. The work will begin at 7 a.m. and should end by 5 p.m. 

There will be no access to the Atrium area, connecting bridges, Health Sciences Library on Levels G and 1 facing the Atrium, outside entrances, stairways and other possible ways to enter the construction space during this time. To gain access to labs in CARE and the Fitness Center, enter through the exterior door near Subway and use the CARE elevators. Access to MSB from CARE or CARE exterior entry doors will not be available.

Please pay attention to routing signs and caution tape during this activity. It is for your own safety. Any questions, call Don Becker at 513-556-4734 or Ken Bloomer at 513-556-0605.


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