The Latest in Career Ready
What is a letter of interest?
Learn how to write a strong letter of interest with actionable tips, examples, and templates. Discover the key differences between a letter of interest and a cover letter, and explore how to stand out to potential employers.
Benefits of cooperative learning
Learn about the instructional method of cooperative learning, its definition, characteristics and benefits, as well as how it compares to cooperative education (co-op).
How to write a standout cover letter
Craft a standout cover letter that catches attention and showcases your strengths. Learn the key elements of a compelling cover letter, how it differs from a resume, and why it’s essential for job applications. With tips on personalization, formatting, and content, this guide helps you create a memorable cover letter to boost your job prospects.
New year habits entrepreneurs should adopt
The beginning of a new calendar year is a time to look ahead and set new goals. Entrepreneurs can commit to staying on track throughout the coming year by adopting quick habits to take their business to the next level of innovation.
Working at the University of Cincinnati
Careers at UC
The University of Cincinnati is a premier, public urban research university with an enrollment of more than 46,000 students and over 10,500 faculty and staff across four distinct campuses. Our faculty are intentionally recognized for innovative teaching and research, especially in the practical applications of their discoveries.