Headshot of Katie Pence

Katie Pence

 |  Archives

Katie is the director of Media Relations + Content within the Marketing + Communications department. She oversees media outreach for the division and assists with other media relations efforts across campuses and units.

katie.pence@uc.edu  |  513-558-4561
1025 Results

WVXU: How university co-op programs help reduce student debt

July 17, 2023

After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a plan to cancel student debt, many borrowers will have to start paying back their loans later this year. UC started its co-op program more than 100 years ago and continues to create more experienced-based learning opportunities for its students, even helping some students graduate debt free.


‘Empowered to drive innovation’

November 22, 2022

For the second year, four students from the University of Cincinnati have been named University Innovation Fellows (UIF), a program run by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design.