Headshot of Anne Bowling

Anne Bowling

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304 Results

Religious scholar to speak at UC for Lichter Series

Event: October 25, 2018 7:00 PM

Annual Lichter Lecture series hosted by the University of Cincinnati's Judaic studies department will feature speaking event, "Men, Women, and Shame among Jews in Antiquity," presented by Michael Satlow, Thursday Oct. 25.


UC honors graduates' perseverance

October 9, 2018

The University of Cincinnati College of Arts & Sciences recognizes students' struggles against adverse situations - honors them with triumph cords at graduation.


Forensic anthropologist to lecture on hominin findings

Event: October 5, 2018 3:30 PM

Forensic anthropologist Dr. James Pokines will lecture on the “Forensic analysis of Australopithecus sediba remains from Malapa, South Africa” on Friday, October 5 at 3:30 p.m. The lecture will be held in Braunstein 300 at the uptown campus.