Headshot of Evelyn  Fleider

Evelyn Fleider

 |  Archives

evelyn.fleider@uc.edu  |  513-5582996
33 Results

Leading the way

January 18, 2024

Four Black UC Nursing alumni seized the opportunity to start their own businesses. Now they are helping patients and communities in their own ways.


Leading the Way

January 18, 2024

It took Corinn Taylor decades to realize her own strength and find her purpose. As one of five children living in poverty in a single-parent household in Toledo, Ohio, Taylor developed an unyielding resilience that she used to defy others’ expectations and earn her diploma in nursing and a UC Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Science in Community Health Nursing


Leading the way

January 18, 2024

Randi Horne has taken every opportunity to further her nursing career, and it has paid dividends. Now, she owns a concierge business, offering facial injectables and skin care in her hometown of Houston, Texas.


NP to a Higher Degree

January 5, 2024

Alumna Amanda Rumpke’s DNP project standardized privileges for advanced practitioners across a health system, improving care access and workforce agility.