Headshot of Katie Pence

Katie Pence

 |  Archives

Katie is the director of Media Relations + Content within the Marketing + Communications department. She oversees media outreach for the division and assists with other media relations efforts across campuses and units.

katie.pence@uc.edu  |  513-558-4561
1025 Results

Parents: 4 signs your child is an empath

February 1, 2021

If your child is emotionally or physically sensitive, they may be an empath. A UC expert discusses qualities of an empath and offers suggestions about parenting to best support your child and their big feelings.


A new combination for cancer treatment

January 22, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have tested a new combination therapy in head and neck cancer animal models to see if they could find a way to make an already effective treatment even better.


Studying a new way to treat depression

January 20, 2021

A University of Cincinnati researcher has received a United States patent to continue a study looking at a method for using electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to treat certain psychiatric conditions, like depression.


WLWT: COVID-19 vaccine distribution in Ohio

January 11, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine providers across Ohio will soon get better guidance about the next steps for getting shots into arms. Brett Kissela, MD, spoke to WLWT-TV, Channel 5 and said the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any potential side effects.


'I'm a believer': UC dean for research takes next step in COVID-19 trial

January 8, 2021

Brett Kissela, MD, senior associate dean for clinical research at the UC College of Medicine and chief of research services at UC Health, learned he received the placebo in the Moderna vaccine clinical trial. He then received the real vaccine to show that he believes in the science.