Headshot of Katie Pence

Katie Pence

 |  Archives

Katie is the director of Media Relations + Content within the Marketing + Communications department. She oversees media outreach for the division and assists with other media relations efforts across campuses and units.

katie.pence@uc.edu  |  513-558-4561
1025 Results

Study: the pandemic’s impact on lung cancer

December 17, 2020

A recent study led by University of Cincinnati Cancer Center researchers shows the impact the pandemic had on lung cancer screening, which experts say could be bad for both screening programs in general and for the overall well-being of patients.


Channeling the immune system

November 24, 2020

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered new clues into why some people with head and neck cancer respond to immunotherapy, while others don’t.


Cincinnati Business Courier: Flash therapy for cancer

November 20, 2020

UC researchers treated their first study patient this week using a new cancer therapy that takes less than one second. This clinical trial is being hosted at the Cincinnati Children's/UC Health Proton Therapy Center.


UC study examines treatment for opioid use disorder

November 17, 2020

A national study being led by UC researchers is investigating whether a medication already used to treat opioid use disorder in women who are pregnant may be more beneficial in an extended-release form.


WCPO: Post-COVID anxiety

November 12, 2020

A UC expert discusses a new study from the University of Oxford that shows around 20% of COVID-19 survivors are struggling with mental health issues after recovering from the disease.


Boosting treatments for metastatic melanoma

November 5, 2020

University of Cincinnati clinician-scientist Soma Sengupta, MD, PhD, says that new findings from her team might have identified a treatment-boosting drug to enhance therapies for metastatic cancer and make them more effective.