UC Technology FAQs
In recent years, UC has undergone a major digital transformation. Technology may have changed since you were last enrolled. Most technology can be accessed through Canopy.
What is Duo Two-Factor Authentication?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds a second layer of security to your online accounts. Verifying your identity using a second factor (like your phone or other mobile device) prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password. The University of Cincinnati utilizes Duo Security for two-factor authentication. Learn more about Duo
How do I reset my password?
You can find more about changing your password on the Account & Password Help page. If you still have questions, contact UC IT at 513-556-HELP.
Where can I find my courses?
Courses now use Canvas instead of Blackboard to house courses information such as syllabi and assignment submissions. (Sign in through the Canvas tile on Canopy)
How do I schedule with my advisor?
UC now uses a system called My Bearcat Network. You can see more on the MBN website.
What system do I use to register for classes?
All official business such as registration, viewing your schedule or bill, and other functions are now found in Catalyst.
Has UC email changed?
Yes. UC uses Office 365 which also offers other tools such as Teams messenger and Office applications including Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, and more. Learn more about how to access Office 365