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Letters of Reference: Information & Forms for Medical School Applicants


Information for students applying to MD, DO and DPM schools 

The Pre-Professional Advising Center will manage letter of reference packets for students applying to allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO) and podiatric (DPM) medical schools.

1. Attend a Health Professions Application Workshop 

  • This workshop is required if you are interested in the PPAC managing your letters of reference.

2. Download our Letter of Reference documents and contact our office! 


Letter of Reference Documents

Fall 2026 Application Cycle - Letter of Reference-Waiver and Instructions Form  (Click link to download form)

  • Due to the current circumstances, the best way to submit letters to the PPAC is through email ( We ask that your letter writers submit the Letter of Reference Form and their letter for you as two separate PDF files. This will help the PPAC expedite the process of uploading your letters to your application.
  • The LOR-Waiver form is to be signed by you and given to your letter writers. They in turn, include the waiver with their letter when forwarding to PPAC. Please also provide your letter writers with these letter writer guidelines from the AAMC, to help them write the strongest letter for you.
  • LOR-Waiver forms are to accompany each submitted letter of reference by June 26, 2024. The sooner your letters are submitted to our office, the more efficiently we can move them through to your application.
  • As you are continuing to prepare for submitting your medical school application this summer, we request that you send a special message to your letter writers letting them know that there has been an update to the letter packet submission process.


Fall 2026 Application Cycle - Letter Packet Submission Form (Click link to download form)

  • Please submit the Letter Packet Submission form after all of your letters of reference have been received at the PPAC.
  • This workflow form directs the PPAC with the order of letters and where to submit your letter packet. 
  • You may email this form from your UC email account to the PPAC.


  • The PPAC uses the following medical school application services: AMCAS, AACOMAS and AACPMAS, to process and upload letter of recommendation packets. 
  • Note to students using the letter packet service;
    • Follow the specific directions within the submission form for each medical school application service for choosing the type of letter (AMCAS = letter packet, AACOMAS and AACPMAS = individual).   
    • If you believe that it is necessary to customize your letters for particular schools, please schedule an appointment with a PPAC advisor to discuss this process and what will be helpful for you and your schools.