Plein Air Painting Workshop

Our painting classes offer many choices in different mediums, including watercolor, acrylic, pastels, and sponge painting. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, you'll receive plenty of one-on-one attention to help you bring your skills forward by learning a new technique or approach.

painting of road at Wargemont by Renor

Plein Air Painting

$59 / One Class 
Instructor: Kevin McCarty

Saturday, July 27, 10:00AM - 1:00PM
Location: Withrow Nature Preserve

Experience outdoor painting as many of the great masters did! In the mid-to-late nineteenth century Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh painted outdoor landscapes "in the open air”. It is here where your subject is in full view so you can capture the spirit and essence of a landscape. Painting outdoors is an exciting way to transfer those images to the canvas, representing the light and movement of your subject that come when you see it all in its natural glory. 

Our Plein Air classes take place at different locations. Please read carefully on the title of each one before purchasing to make sure you are acquiring the right location of your choice.
Supply List: Students please bring the basic supplies listed below.  

  • Portable Easel
  • Acrylic or Oil Paints
  • Acrylic or a Wood palette (its windy outside)
  • Heavy container for water
  • Brushes (small, medium, and large)
  • Canvases**
  • Turpentine if using oil paints**

*We suggest purchasing canvases and turpentine at Hobby Lobby for the best deals.
**Please feel free to bring any additional supplies you would like to use. 

About Your Instructor

Headshot of Kevin McCarty

Kevin McCarty

a 40-year veteran artist specializing in oil painting, has lived in multiple U.S. cities, including Dallas, and Atlanta. His diverse portfolio can be viewed at He earned a full scholarship to the Atlanta School of Art.

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