
Facts & Dashboards

Student Fact Book

The University of Cincinnati Student Fact Book contains a variety of data on the Student population at UC to help answer common questions about the University. Login to Bearcats Landing with your UC Central Login for archived Fact Books

Login for access to the interactive version of the Fact Book to view information at the college level. 

Enrollment Reports

Enrollment Reports have enrollment by college and major for the entire university as of the census day for each term. Login to Bearcats Landing with your UC credentials for archived enrollment reports. Total student enrollment, credit hours, and FTE by College, Program, and Plan reports are available for the three most recent semesters:

Retention Rate Reports

Fall to Fall Retention for the first-time, full-time degree seeking cohort. Retention rates are displayed by campus and degree level. Login to Bearcats Landing with your UC Central Login for archived Fall Retention Reports and Archived Quarter to Quarter Retention Reports.


Graduation Rates

The graduation rate reports consist of six year graduation rates for Uptown campus students and three year graduation rates for Branch campus students. Graduation rates are displayed by gender and ethnicity. Login to Bearcats Landing with your UC Central Login for archived graduation rates.

Faculty & Staff Reports

Headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) summary reports of all UC employees by campus, employee type and Standard Occupational Classification Code. Each report contains the university total as well as totals by campus. Login to Bearcats Landing with your UC credentials for archived Employee Population Reports.

Common Data Set

The Common Data Set (CDS) initiative is a collaborative effort among data providers in the higher education community and publishers as represented by the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. The combined goal of this collaboration is to improve the quality and accuracy of information provided to all involved in a student's transition into higher education, as well as to reduce the reporting burden on data providers.

Older Common Data Sets are available upon request by reaching out to

UC Internal Dashboards

Tableau at UC

The data analytics and visualization software Tableau is being used at the University of Cincinnati (UC) by various offices, including the Office of Institutional Research. Institutional Research (IR) uses Tableau to create a multitude of dashboards as well as the University Fact Book. 

To access the Tableau server where the IR reports are housed, you'll go to the Data Analytics website ( and login with your central UC username and password. To view the IR reports, select "Office of the Provost" as the site. To request access, to Institutional Research dashboards, please visit the IR Dashboards page on Bearcats Landing.   

Frequently Viewed Dashboards