Ombuds Office

The Office of the University Ombuds is a safe place for all members of the UC community to talk about university related conflicts, issues or concerns. The Office of the University Ombuds is not a confidential resource for matters mandated by federal or state law to be reported, such as sexual assault or harassment. Any disclosures made to Ombuds personnel with regard to these matters must be reported to the appropriate University personnel. The Office of the University Ombuds may still maintain confidentiality with regard to other university related concerns. Our office staff will listen to your concerns and help you identify options for successful resolution.

Learn more about our work and meet the team on the About Us page.

What an Ombuds does

Here are some things an Ombuds can do:

  • Provide guidance and support about difficult issues.
  • Process concerns in a confidential and non-judgmental space.
  • Be a partner to find options and solutions.
  • Bring your concerns and ideas to institutional leaders.
  • Help you learn how to navigate a formal process, if you wish to do so.

If you find yourself asking any of the following questions, the Ombuds office is here to help:

  • Can they do that?
  • Who do I talk to?
  • I'm lost in the bureaucracy.
  • Am I misreading the situation?
  • What are my options?